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Web Technology Lab Exercises

Lab - 1 (Internet & Basics)

  1. Using nslookup (or some other mechanism), determine IP addresses for three Internet hosts
  2. Use the tracert (Windows) or traceroute (Linux) command to determine the number of hops from your machine to the Internet host(s) assigned by your instructor. Each command can be run by typing the command name followed by a host name. (Note: If you attempt to run traceroute on a Linux system and get the message “Command not found”, try using the command whereis traceroute to locate it. Then prefix the command name with the directory where it is located.) Provide a copy of the output and briefly explain what it means.
  3. Explore the Developer Tools (Chrome) / Web Developer (Firefox)

Lab - 2 (HTML - 1)

  1. Given file - Pangolin Format it according to 04_pangolin
  2. Given file - Movies Format it according to 06_movies
  3. Given 10_snowman Create the given figure.
  4. In wolf.html do the following
    • Create a link that goes to - Gray Wolf
    • Create an image element using - Gray Wolf picture
  5. Your goal is to create a table with the proper headings. 01_table
  6. Write a simple form with the following inputs (Add some div or p elements for spacing):
    • Username
      • Text input
      • Should have placeholder text of ‘username’
      • Make sure to properly label the input (using id/for attributes)
    • Password
      • Password input
      • Should have placeholder text of ‘password’
      • Make sure to properly label the input (using id/for attributes)
    • A Button
      • With the inner text ‘Register’
  7. Create a form for Race Registeration Race Registeration
    • Race Registeration (heading 1)
    • First Name (text filed with label)
    • Last name (text field with label))
    • Select a Race (radio button)
      • Fun Run 5K
      • Half Marathon
      • Full Marathon
    • Email (email filed with label)
    • Password (password filed with label)
    • Select Age Group (dropdown)
      • Under 18
      • 18 - 30
      • 31 - 50
      • 50 +
    • Register (Button)